Guarantee Payment on Successful Delivery with a Payco Escrow Payment

Payments handled through Payco’s escrow system are perfect for creating trust in payment-on-delivery transactions between unfamiliar parties.
Importer applies for a letter of credit
With our simple online wizard, importers can create a UCP600-compliant LC in less than 10 minutes. To make things really easy, Payco integrates with your accounting software, so you can use existing invoices to create new LCs.
10 mins - Time to create a Payco LC
2 - 4 days - Time to create a traditional LC
Payco sends letter of credit to exporter
After an importer obtains a letter of credit, we send it directly to the exporter. This allows an order to be fulfilled as quickly as possible.
Our system is far more efficient than bank systems, which saves money. Here’s how our fees stack up against bank fees.
3 - 5% - Payco LC fee
10 - 12% - Average traditional LC fee
Exporter delivers goods and presents documents to Payco
Exporters can upload the required documents at any time and from any location for AI-assisted review and to receive payment.
5 mins - Time with a Payco LC
1 - 2 days - Time with a traditional LC
Buyer confirms receipt of goods and Payco transfers payment to the exporter
Once Payco accepts the documents, the LC payment is transferred to the exporter. Using stable cryptocurrencies allows us to deliver much faster settlement times than traditional LCs.
1 min - Time to receive stablecoins
2 - 4 days - Time to receive wire transfer
How it Works
Create Trust By Handling Transactions Through a Regulated Swiss Financial Intermediary
Peace of mind for your transactions with Payco. With minimum hassle and fast payment delivery.

Payco's Innovative Escrow Service
With Payco’s escrow service, a buyer deposits funds into an escrow account, where they’re safely held for the seller. When the seller successfully delivers the product to the buyer, the funds are released to them. This simple system creates trust between the buyer and the seller escrow transactions are perfect for payment-on-delivery transactions between parties that aren’t familiar with each other. Payment-on-delivery transactions are non-instant transactions in which the payment is made when the goods are satisfactorily delivered to the buyer escrow payments can be useful in other situations as well escrow payments have been used successfully for a long time. At Payco, however, we’re revolutionizing business finance with technology, and that includes escrow payments. Our escrow system is built on blockchain technology, AI and stable cryptocurrencies, making it the fastest, easiest and safest escrow system available.
We’re a Fully Regulated Swiss Financial Intermediary
Payco is a registered financial intermediary in Switzerland. We operate under the supervision of the same regulators that regulate Swiss banks we are a fully regulated Swiss financial intermediary (VQF SRO member), and we comply with all the Swiss regulations regarding the financial intermediary license limits we hold an escrow license in California for performing escrow payments in the US secured funds - Payco escrow funds are held in CCSS Level III, SOC2 Type II, and ISO 27001 certified secure wallets and can only be accessed for payment or refund to the parties involved in the escrow payment.

Here’s How Payco’s Escrow Service Works…
The Payco system is backward compatible with the SWIFT network
We’re Revolutionizing Financial Transactions With Technology
Payco’s escrow service makes difficult transactions easy

Blockchain technology
Document handling is more secure and more efficient

Artificial intelligence
Document processing and review takes seconds rather than days

Stable Cryptocurrencies
Transactions are executed quickly and securely

Escrow Payments Can Be Used in Lots of Situations
Payco escrow payments can be used for more than just handling payment-on-delivery transactions between unfamiliar parties. Payco’s escrow payment system is highly secure, fast and efficient in its own right, and it can be useful for many different types of transactions.
Lots of businesses could use Payco escrow payments to improve the way they handle their existing transactions.
Technology Makes Things Better
Our escrow system is built on the latest technology, and this allows us to handle transactions more effectively than traditional systems can. By using blockchain technology and AI to manage payment processes, we improve things across the board.
There is less administration required from our customers when they set up an escrow payment. Both the payer and the payee save time, compared to traditional systems. Our system also processes payments far more efficiently, saving time and making things easier throughout the transaction process. Finally, using stable cryptocurrencies allows us to execute final payments immediately.
Payments made with stable cryptocurrencies are particularly beneficial in international transactions, allowing for immediate settlement at reduced cost.
Payco escrow payments also provide a solution where transactions cannot be handled through conventional systems, such as where access to the ACH system is blocked.
What Do You Get With Payco?
Faster processing than with a bank
Peace of mind for your transactions
Minimum hassle
Extra security
Make your transactions safely with Payco!
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How it works
Payco is a digital solution for cross-border payments, providing secure and convenient services for individuals and businesses. With Payco, you can easily send money internationally, issue letters of credit, and conduct transactions using our secure digital wallet.
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